ApSIC Xbench is an integrated reference tool aimed to provide a clear and structured view of the terminology of any translation project.
This product supports a number of input formats including:
- Tab-delimited text files
- XLIFF files
- TMX memories
- TBX/MARTIF glossaries
- Exported Trados Workbench memories
- Exported Trados Multiterm glossaries (version 5 and XML)
- Trados TagEditor files
- Trados Studio files
- Trados Word bilingual uncleaned files
- IBM TranslationManager folders, memories and dictionaries
- OpenTM2 folders, memories and dictionaries
- SDLX .itd files
- SDLX memories
- Star Transit 2.6/XV projects
- PO files
- Wordfast glossaries
- Wordfast memories
- Wordfast Pro TXML files
- Logoport RTF files
- Idiom files
- DejaVu files
- Microsoft Glossaries (.csv files)
- Mac OS X Glossaries
ApSIC XBench provides a unified and convenient view of the bilingual information, which can be prioritized by the user as required.
ApSIC Xbench also features powerful Quality Assurance features, to check for consistency, numeric values and more.
ApSIC Xbench 2.9 is currently under beta test.
Dr Essay Reference Generator automatically generate bibliography and reference.